The Monster and the Nightingale CD is a co-production of the Zamir Chorale of Boston and Boombox Classroom, a nationally broadcast educational music program for young children. It is structured as a radio-drama with music, featuring the loveable humorous characters of the Boombox Classroom show.
One day in the forest, Jollip the music monster and his friends meet Shira the nightingale. Shira is the conductor of a choir of birds, who sing quite beautifully. Together they fly off on their quest to find a choir for Jollip, who loves to sing, but can’t seem to fit in anywhere. They land in Boston where they visit the Solomon Schechter Day School choir and the Zamir Chorale. Jollip hears some wonderful songs and learns about how a chorus makes music. At the end of his quest Jollip fins a song that even monsters can sing.
The CD features a colorful booklet with illustrations of the story. The recording is suitable for ages two to ten.