Table of Contents
- Books and Articles
- Journals
- Recordings
- Annotated Music Collections
- Selected Recordings
- Scores
- Publishers
Books and Articles
Basart, Ann. “Music and the Holocaust: A Selective Bibliography.” Cum notis variorum 101 (April 1986): 1-30.
Bloch, Max. “Viktor Ullmann: A Brief Biography and Appreciation.” Journal of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute, 3 (October 1979): 150-177.
Bor, Josef. The Terezin Requiem. Translated by Edith Pargeter. NY: Avon, 1977.
Cummins, Paul. Dachau Song: The Twentieth-Century Odyssey of Herbert Zipper. New York: Peter Lang, 1992.
Davidson, Charles. “The Butterfly Comes Home.” Journal of Synagogue Music 23 (July/December 1993): 25-32.
Fenelon, Fania. The Musicians of Auschwitz. Translated by Judith Landry. London: Michael Joseph, 1977.
Flam, Gila. Singing for Survival: Songs of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940-1945. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1992.
Gilbert, Martin. The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe during the Second World War. NY: Holt, 1985.
Heskes, Irene. “Jewish Music Resources for Holocaust Programming.” In The Holocaust: An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide, ed.
David M. Szonyi, 222-251. Hoboken, NJ: Ktav Publishing House, 1985.
Jacobson, Joshua. “Music in the Holocaust.” The Choral Journal 36:5 (December, 1995): 9-21.
Karas, Joza.Music in Terezin. NY: Beaufort Books, 1985.
Katz, Jacob. The Darker Side of Genius: Richard Wagner’s Anti-Semitism. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1986.
Laks, Szyman. Music of Another World. Translated by Chester Kisiel. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1989. (Originally published as
Musiques d’un autre monde . Paris: Mercure de France, 1948.)
Meyer, Michael. “Assumptions and Implementation of Nazi Policy toward Music.” Ph.D. diss., University of California, L.A., 1971.
Ringer, Alexander. “Arnold Schoenberg and the Politics of Jewish Survival.” Journal of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute 3 (March 1979): 11-48.
Rose, Paul Lawrence. Wagner: Race and Revolution. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.
Stephen Powitz, “Musical Life in the Warsaw Ghetto.” The Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy 4 (1981-82).
Taylor, Brandon and Wilfried van der Will.The Nazification of Art. Winchester, Hampshire (UK): The Winchester Press, 1990.
Weiner, Marc A. Richard Wagner and the anti-Semitic Imagination. University of Nebraska Press, 1995.
Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy, New York
Journal of Synagogue Music, New York
Musica Judaica, New York
Orbis Musicae, Tel Aviv
Yuval, Jerusalem
American-Jewish Art Songs. Weiner et al. Pauline Stark. Centaur Records CRC-2108.
Ben-Haim, Paul. Sweet Psalmist of Israel. NY Philharmonic. Bernstein, Merrill.Sony SM2K 47533.
Ben-Haim, Paul. Three Songs Without Words. Music In Israel (IMI) CD MII-CD-7.
Ben-Haim, Paul. Violin Concerto. EMI CD 0777 7 54296-2-6.
Bernstein, Leonard. Chichester Psalms, Atlanta Symphony and Robert Shaw. Telarc CD-80181, CD.
Bernstein, Leonard. Chichester Psalms, Israel Philharmonic. DG 415965-2, CD.
Bernstein, Leonard. Jeremiah Symphony, Israel Philharmonic. DGG 415964-2, CD.
Bernstein, Leonard. Jeremiah Symphony, New York Philharmonic. Columbia MS6303.
Bernstein, Leonard. Kaddish Symphony, Israel Philharmonic. DG 423582-2 CD.
Bloch, Ernst. Baal Shem Suite, Wellerstein Duo. Arabesque z-6606.
Bloch, Ernst. Sacred Service (Avodat HaKodesh), London Symphony. Chandos 1001.
Bloch, Ernst. Sacred Service (Avodat HaKodesh). NY Philharmonic. Bernstein, Merrill.Sony SM2K 47533.
Bloch, Ernst. Schelomo, Rostropovich and Bernstein. Angel S-37256.
Bruch, Max. Kol Nidre, Heimovitz. DGG 427323, CD.
Castelneuvo-Tedesco, Mario. Violin Concerto No. 2 (The Prophets). EMI CD 0777 7 54296-2-6.
Chants de l’exil: Jewish Musicians in Europe 1200-1600, Boston Camerata. Erato STU 71429.
Composers from Theresienstadt. Pavel Haas, Karel Berman. Channel Classics. CCS-3191.
Copland, Aaron. Vitebsk
Gloick, Srul Irving. Suite Hebraique. CBC CD MVCD 1046.
Golijov, Osvaldo. K’vakarat. Performed by the Kronos Quartet on Night Prayers Elektra/Nonesuch 979346-2.
Grossi, Carlo.Cantata Ebraica in Dialogo. on Musique Judaeo-Baroque, Boston Camerata. Harmonia Mundi CD HMA-1901021.
Hear Our Voices. The Zamir Chorale. HaZamir HZ-909
Hajdu, Andre. Teruat Melech (Kings Fanfare). Giora Feidman and the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra. PLANE CD 88768.
Klez. The Klezmer Conservatory Band. Vanguard VMD-79449.
Masters of the Jewish Art Song: The St. Petersburg School. Louis Danto. Cadenza CD LRCD-109
Milhaud, Darius. Sacred Service, ARCAM 590143 (CD).
Milhaud, Darius. Sacred Service, Westminster WST-17052. (LP)
Prokofiev, Sergei. Overture on Hebrew Themes, USSR Symphony. Chant du Monde 278808, CD.
Ravel, Maurice. Two Hebraic Songs, Victoria de los Angeles. Angel 36105.
Reich, Steve. Tehillim. ECM 827411-2.
Rossi, Salamone. [Motets and instrumental works] Musique Judaeo-Baroque, Boston Camerata. Harmonia Mundi CD HMA-1901021.
Rossi, Salamone. The Music of Salamone Rossi Hebreo of Mantua, New York Pro Musica. Columbia Odyssey Y35226.
Saladin, Louis. Canticum Hebraicum. on Musique Judaeo-Baroque, Boston Camerata. Harmonia Mundi CD HMA-1901021.
Schoenberg, Arnold. A Survivor from Warsaw, Boulez. SONY S2K-44571.
Schoenberg, Arnold. Kol Nidre, Boulez. SONY S2K-44571.
Schostakovich, Dmitri. Babi Yar (Symphony No. 13). Erato CD 2294-45349-2.
Seter, Mordecai. Tikkun Chatsot (Midnight Vigil), Kol Israel Orchestra. CBS CBS 72564.
Synagogal Art Music 12-18th Centuries, Kameran Singers. Hebrew University AMTI-7901.
The Majesty of Holiness, Lewandowski et al. Zamir Chorale of Boston. Vogt Quality Recordings CSRV 2804.
The Yiddish Art Song, Engel et al. Lazar Weiner. Omega Classics OCD 3010
Traditional Jewish Choral Music, Rinat Choir. RCA RL 83031.
Valls, Manuel. Ten Sephardic Songs, Victoria de los Angeles. Angel S36716.
Viktor Ullman. Piano Sonatas 5,6, and 7; String Quartet 3. Koch 3-7109-2H1.
Weiner, Lazar. Songs, Bianca Sauler and Lazar Weiner. Naomi 10001. (LP)
Annotated Music Collections
Kalisch, Shoshana. Yes, We Sang. NY: Harper and Row, 1985.
Mlotek, Eleanor. We Are Here: Songs of the Holocaust. NY: The Workman’s Circle, 1983.
Selected Recordings
Davidson, Charles, I Never Saw Another Butterfly. Music Masters 7049-2-C.
Glick, Srul Irving. I Never Saw Another Butterfly. Maureen Forrester and John Newmark. Select CC 15.037. (Available through Canadian Music Centre, 20 St. Joseph St., Toronto M4Y1J9.)
Haas, Pavel and Karel Berman. Composers from Theresienstadt. Channel Classics CCS-3191.
Hear Our Voices: Songs from the Ghettos and the Camps. (Music from Terezin, Vilna, Vishnetz, Sachsenhausen, Pryztik). HaZamir HZ-009.
Klein, Gideon, Sonata for Piano (also Klein, Trio; Ullmann, String Quartet No. 3; Ullmann, Piano Sonata No. 1; Krasa, Tanec; Krasa, Brundibar; Ullmann, Abendphantasie, Immer Inmitten, Drei Jiddische Lieder, Little Cakewalk; Haas, Four Songs on Chinese Verse). Romantic Robot RR-1941.
________. Oeuvres instrumentales et vocales. (Includes: Piano Sonata, Two Madrigals, The Original Sin, Three Songs for High Voice and Piano, Duo for Violin and Viola, Divertimento, Duo for Violin and Cello, and Four Movements for String Quartet.) Arion ARN 68272.
________. Piano Sonata, Fantasie and Fugue, String Trio, Two Madrgials, Pvrni hrich, Czech and Russian Folk Songs Koch 3-7230-2-H1.
Krakow Ghetto Notebook: The Songs of Mordecai Gebirtig. Koch 3-7295-2H-1.
Krasa, Hans. Brundibar (also Frantisec Domazlicky, Czech Songs for Children’s Chorus and String Quartet). Channel Classics CCS-5193.
Kulisiewicz, Aleksander. Songs from the Depths of Hell. Folkways FSS 37700.
Musica Rediviva (Pavel Haas, Study for String Orchestra; Erwin Schulhoff, Symphony No. 2; Gideon Klein, Partita for Strings and Viktor Ullmann, Symphony No. 2). Czech Philharmonic, Gerd Albrecht, conductor. Orfeo C-337-941-A.
Partisans of Vilna: The Songs of World War II Jewish Resistance. Flying Fish Records FF 70450.
Penderecki, Krzysztof. Dies Irae (Dedicated to the Memory of Those Murdered at Auschwitz). Conifer CDCF 185.
Remember the Children: Songs for and by Children of the Holocaust. The U.S. Holocaust Museum HMCD-1901.
Rubin, Ruth. Yiddish Songs of the Holocaust. Global Village C-150.
Schoenberg, Arnold. A Survivor from Warsaw. CBS M-35882.
Senator, Ronald. Holocaust Requiem: Kaddish for Terezin. Delos DE-1032.
Shostakovitch, Dmitri. Symphony No. 13, “Babi Yar”. Erato 2292-45349-2.
Stern, Robert. Terezin. CRI-SD-264.
Tippet, Michael. A Child of Our Time. Philips 420075-2.
Ullmann, Viktor. Der Kaiser von Atlantis. London 440 854-2.
Choral Music composed in Terezin
Haas, Pavel. Al Sefod (TTBB). Berlin: Bote and Bock, 1994(composed in 1942).
Klein, Gideon. Bachuri Le’an Tisa (SSA). Czech Music Fund.
________. The First Sin (TTBB, T solo). Berlin: Bote and Bock, 1993 (composed in 1942).
________. Two Madrigals (SSATB) and Original Sin (TTBB). Berlin: Bote and Bock, 1993 (composed in 1943).
Schaechter, Raphael and Gideon Klein (attributed). Byt Svetem Vlada (unison children’s chorus). MS (Contact Nick Strimple, see “Human Resources,” below).
Schul, Siegmund (arranger). Ki Tavo El Ha-Arets (SSA) (1942). MS (Contact David Bloch, see “Human Resources,” below).
Schul, Siegmund. Finale fromCantata Judaica (TTBB and T solo) (1942). MS (Contact David Bloch, see “Human Resources,” below).
Schul, Siegmund. Mogen Ovos (SATB, high baritone and soprano soli, organ). Boston: HaZamir Publications, 1995.
Strimple, Nick (arranger), Two Folksongs from Terezin (SATB or 4-6 equal voices). NLS Music 1994, distributed by Laurendale Associates.
Ullmann, Viktor (arranger). Five Choruses for Women’s Choir (“Yomeh,” “Du Zolst Nisht Geyn,” “Du Meydel Du Sheyns,” “Hala Yardein,” “Ura Yisrael”) (SSA) (c. 1942-44). MS (To be published by Schott).
________. Three Choruses for Men’s Choir (“Sha Shtil,” “Az Der Rebbe Elimelech,” “Fregt Di Velt”)(TTB) (c. 1942-44). MS (To be
published by Schott).
________. Three Hebrew Choruses for Children (“Am Yisrael Chai,” “Halleluyah,” “Heidad Ginah Ketanah”)(SSA) (c. 1942-44). MS (To
be published by Schott).
________. Two Hebrew Choruses for Mixed Choir (“Anu Olim Artsah,” “Eliyahu HaNavi”)(SATB) (c. 1942-44). MS (To be published by Schott).
Music from Other Ghettos And Camps
Cook, A.I. (arr. J. Jacobson). Zol Shoyn Kumen di Ge’uleh. NY: Transcontinental Music, 1995.
Isaacson, Michael (arranger). Cradle of Fire (“Shtiller,” “S’Brent,” “Zog Nit Keynmol,” “Babi Yar,” “Ani Maamin”) (SA, piano or orchestra). NY: Transcontinental Music, 1988.
Kaplan, Abraham (arranger). Ani Maamin (SATB). Tel Aviv: Mercaz LeTerabut UleChinuch, 1960.
Rosenberg, Martin (arr. J. Jacobson). Tsen Brider(SATB) . N.Y.: Transcontinental Music, 1995.
Vishnetz Rebbe (arr. M. Lazar). Ani Maamin(SATB). N.Y.: Transcontinental Music, 1995.
Yamposlky, Leyb (arr. J. Jacobson). Dremlen Feygel(SATB) . N.Y.: Transcontinental Music, 1995.
Post-war Settings of Holocaust-related Texts
Adler, Samuel. Stars in the Dust (mixed chorus, chamber ensemble). N.Y.: Transcontinental Music, 1986.
Brindley-Barnett, Jeanie. Butterfly Songs (mixed chorus, jazz ensemble). Minneapolis: Barnett Music Productions, 1993.
Charlap, Aharon. The Fire and the Mountains (Ha-Eish VeHeHarim) (for mixed chorus, soloists, narrator, and orchestra). Tel Aviv: IMP, 1980.
Davidson, Charles. I Never Saw Another Butterfly (SA, piano or orchestra). Elkins Park, PA: Ashbourne Music, 1971.
Hardyk, Joel. I Never Saw Another Butterfly (SA, oboe). NY: G. Schirmer, 1980.
Horvit, Michael. Even When God Is Silent (SATB). N.Y.: Transcontinental Music, 1993.
Sargon, Simon. Symphony Number One: Holocaust (male chorus, baritone, orchestra). 1985 MS (Contact the composer 3308 Dartmouth Street, Dallas, TX 75205).
Schoenberg, Arnold. A Survivor from Warsaw (unison male chorus, orchestra, narrator) (composed 1947). Hillsdale, NY: Boelke-Bomart, 1949.
Tippet, Michael. A Child of Our Time (chorus, orchestra). Mainz: Schott, 1944 and NY: Associated Music Publ.
Weiner, Lazar. Gele Late (SATB). NY: Transcontinental Music, 1947.
Weiner, Lazar. Kaddish in Memory of the Six Million (SATB, T solo, piano). NY: Cantors Assembly, 1971.
Ashbourne Music, 425 Ashboure Road, Elkins Park, PA, 19117.
Barnett Music Productions, 4209 Standish Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55407.
Bote and Bock is distributed in the U.S.A. by Theodore Presser.
Czech Music Fund/Tempo (Parizska 13, 110-00 Praha 1, Czech Republic. tel. (422) 24-81-12-58; fax (422) 24-81-06-14)
HaZamir Publications, 35 Garland Road, Newton, MA 02159-1740.
IMI (Israel Music Institute) is distributed in the U.S.A. by Theodore Presser.
IMP (Israel Music Publications) is distributed in the U.S.A. by Theodore Presser.
Laurendale Associates, 15035 Wyandotte Street, Van Nuys, CA 91405
Schott and Sons, Weihergarten 5, D-55116, Mainz, Germany; tel. (06131)~246-0; fax (06131) 246211 (distributed in the U.S.A. by European American Music).
Transcontinental Music, 838 Fifth Ave., NYC, NY 10021.
Human Resources
Judith Berman, 4119 Magna Carta Road, Calabasas, California 91302.
David Bloch, Ha-Emek 48/14, Kfar Sava 44-221, Israel.
Joshua Jacobson, Department of Music, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, E-mail: JRJ@NEU.EDU.
Joza Karas, 212 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002.
Mark Ludwig, Terezin Chamber Music Foundation, Astor Station, POB 206, Boston, Massachusetts 02123-0206
Nick Strimple, 1838 Wooster Street, Los Angeles, California 90035.
Bret Werb, U.S. Holocaust Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW, Washington, DC 20024-2150. E-mail: