Table of Contents
Books and Articles
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Ben-Haim, Paul. Three Songs Without Words. Music In Israel (IMI) CD MII-CD-7.
Ben-Haim, Paul. Violin Concerto. EMI CD 0777 7 54296-2-6.
Bernstein, Leonard. Chichester Psalms, Atlanta Symphony and Robert Shaw. Telarc CD-80181, CD.
Bernstein, Leonard. Chichester Psalms, Israel Philharmonic. DG 415965-2, CD.
Bernstein, Leonard. Jeremiah Symphony, Israel Philharmonic. DGG 415964-2, CD.
Bernstein, Leonard. Jeremiah Symphony, New York Philharmonic. Columbia MS6303.
Bernstein, Leonard. Kaddish Symphony, Israel Philharmonic. DG 423582-2 CD.
Bloch, Ernst. Baal Shem Suite, Wellerstein Duo. Arabesque z-6606.
Bloch, Ernst. Sacred Service (Avodat HaKodesh), London Symphony. Chandos 1001.
Bloch, Ernst. Sacred Service (Avodat HaKodesh). NY Philharmonic. Bernstein, Merrill.Sony SM2K 47533.
Bloch, Ernst. Schelomo, Rostropovich and Bernstein. Angel S-37256.
Bruch, Max. Kol Nidre, Heimovitz. DGG 427323, CD.
Castelneuvo-Tedesco, Mario. Violin Concerto No. 2 (The Prophets). EMI CD 0777 7 54296-2-6.
Chants de l’exil: Jewish Musicians in Europe 1200-1600, Boston Camerata. Erato STU 71429.
Composers from Theresienstadt. Pavel Haas, Karel Berman. Channel Classics. CCS-3191.
Copland, Aaron. Vitebsk
Gloick, Srul Irving. Suite Hebraique. CBC CD MVCD 1046.
Golijov, Osvaldo. K’vakarat. Performed by the Kronos Quartet on Night Prayers Elektra/Nonesuch 979346-2.
Grossi, Carlo.Cantata Ebraica in Dialogo. on Musique Judaeo-Baroque, Boston Camerata. Harmonia Mundi CD HMA-1901021.
Hear Our Voices. The Zamir Chorale. HaZamir HZ-909
Hajdu, Andre. Teruat Melech (Kings Fanfare). Giora Feidman and the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra. PLANE CD 88768.
Klez. The Klezmer Conservatory Band. Vanguard VMD-79449.
Masters of the Jewish Art Song: The St. Petersburg School. Louis Danto. Cadenza CD LRCD-109
Milhaud, Darius. Sacred Service, ARCAM 590143 (CD).
Milhaud, Darius. Sacred Service, Westminster WST-17052. (LP)
Prokofiev, Sergei. Overture on Hebrew Themes, USSR Symphony. Chant du Monde 278808, CD.
Ravel, Maurice. Two Hebraic Songs, Victoria de los Angeles. Angel 36105.
Reich, Steve. Tehillim. ECM 827411-2.
Rossi, Salamone. [Motets and instrumental works] Musique Judaeo-Baroque, Boston Camerata. Harmonia Mundi CD HMA-1901021.
Rossi, Salamone. The Music of Salamone Rossi Hebreo of Mantua, New York Pro Musica. Columbia Odyssey Y35226.
Saladin, Louis. Canticum Hebraicum. on Musique Judaeo-Baroque, Boston Camerata. Harmonia Mundi CD HMA-1901021.
Schoenberg, Arnold. A Survivor from Warsaw, Boulez. SONY S2K-44571.
Schoenberg, Arnold. Kol Nidre, Boulez. SONY S2K-44571.
Schostakovich, Dmitri. Babi Yar (Symphony No. 13). Erato CD 2294-45349-2.
Seter, Mordecai. Tikkun Chatsot (Midnight Vigil), Kol Israel Orchestra. CBS CBS 72564.
Synagogal Art Music 12-18th Centuries, Kameran Singers. Hebrew University AMTI-7901.
The Majesty of Holiness, Lewandowski et al. Zamir Chorale of Boston. Vogt Quality Recordings CSRV 2804.
The Yiddish Art Song, Engel et al. Lazar Weiner. Omega Classics OCD 3010
Traditional Jewish Choral Music, Rinat Choir. RCA RL 83031.
Valls, Manuel. Ten Sephardic Songs, Victoria de los Angeles. Angel S36716.
Viktor Ullman. Piano Sonatas 5,6, and 7; String Quartet 3. Koch 3-7109-2H1.
Weiner, Lazar. Songs, Bianca Sauler and Lazar Weiner. Naomi 10001. (LP)